Thursday, August 13, 2009

Auditioning Fabric

I saw a Disappearing 9 Patch quilt and I'm determined to use up some of my fabric to make one in a baby size. I'm thinking the bright blue/green can be the accent color and the others can be the 2 lights and 2 darks. I do have a medium blue/green that might make a better accent. I'll ask Kailyn when she gets up from her nap.

Kalissa started PreSchool

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birthday Time

Stuart and Kailyn celebrated their birthday at Disneyland. Both girls got to meet Sleeping Beauty with their Mom and Katie got her first look at It's a Small World. Kathy did up shirts for all of us to wear so that we could be easily spotted. (We were)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Cousins were together over the weekend

Katie was the guest of honor at a baby shower, Kailyn got her 3rd birthday present early -- a big girl bike, and Kalissa and Kailyn shared. Oh yes, Kalissa went with Kailyn while she got her hair cut. (Kailyn wanted her long hair back the next day cause a Princess has long hair. Kalissa likes her hair just the way it is)